Item price
- Average price:
- ¥4,698,077
- Highest price:
- ¥12,920,000
- Cheapest price:
- ¥406,249
Item price
- Average price:
- ¥4,698,077
- Highest price:
- ¥12,920,000
- Cheapest price:
- ¥406,249
About "Most popular price range in the past 90 days"
Showing 1-16
About Tractors
See Tractors all catalogsIt refers to a towing vehicle for pulling things, but in general a "tractor" used for farming is simply called a tractor. It is mainly used for plowing soil and spraying fertilizer but depending on the mounted attachments, it can be used for various tasks as well. In recent years, driver-less tractors equipped with an autonomous driving function are being introduced.
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